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Ensuring Comfort and Safety With Vancouver Heating Services

If your boiler or tank is leaking, visit our Helpful Tips page.

If you’re not getting hot water from your faucet or heat from your home’s boiler, call us at (604) 260-9901 to arrange a service call. Flame Heating can install, inspect, and repair your appliances to return them to proper working order. We also offer emergency services in the event that your hot water heater or boiler stops functioning in the middle of the night. The average lifespan of a hot water tank can vary from eight to ten years based on usage and water quality. Your newer, “on-demand” style tanks and modern better insulated storage-type tanks can save you energy dollars. Ask us about such things as a drip pan, water leak detectors and automatic water shutoff valves that can reduce your home insurance costs and reduce or prevent water leak damage.

boiler system

We Offer a Variety of Boilers & Hot Water Tanks

Hot water tanks come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes to match your particular needs and budget. Newer model hot water tanks and boilers can save you hundreds on your monthly utility bills and are often more cost-effective than repairing your old device.

Schedule a Free Estimate Today

To schedule a free installation estimate or to arrange a service call with one of our service technicians, contact our offices today by calling:

Vancouver / Richmond
Delta / Ladner / Tsawwassen
Surrey / Langley

Call Today to Request a Free Estimate on Our HVAC Services

Vancouver / Richmond Delta / Ladner / Tsawwassen Surrey / Langley